Ambiance Computation

In February 2016, I taught an Intensive Studio entitled Cartographie Générative: Paramètres Sensibles and Ambiances to a groupe of architecture students (mixed years) of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure D’Architecture Paris Malaquais:


Students explored spatial production as a series of ambiances generated through the gathering, visualisation and sensory parameters with the aim of computing ambiances.*



Here is a picture of the final review. The jury included in addition to myself: Christian Girard, Philippe Morel and Minh Man Nguyen from the Digital Knowledge group at ENSA-Malaquais.

* Many Thanks to Minh for the sponsorship and his students from the Digital Knowledge group who guided students to using Grasshopper.

Heightened 2016!

Now a self-imposed tradition.. because neo-nomads need rituals to anchor.. an image of an ambiance that inspired me deeply. I wish your 2016 to be as profoundly moving and elevating as this bamboo grove seen in Arashiyama, Japan:

New Year 2016

Generative Mapping Workshop, Kyoto Seika University, Japan

Got selected to conduct, as visiting professor, an architecture workshop at Kyoto Seika University in Japan. Thank you to Prof. Takayuki Suzuki and the entire team at Kyoto Seika University for the warm welcoming.

The workshop aimed at exploring the architectural process by investigating generating and parameterizing ambiances through mapping mobile and sensory data. An ambiance results from the physical features, sensory data (humidity, smell, etc.) and the movement of people within (with different backgrounds and moods) space.

On a sunny day of early October, students conducted their observations in the Kyoto Station designed by famous architect Hiroshi Hara (1997).

2015-10-06 06.29.08-small


2015-10-06 07.25.58-small

Teams observed for example that people waiting for others chose particular spots in the station, against a wall, nearby a column, protected from the wind as shown on the map below, which reveals the architecture without showing it (Map recorded by Maho Okada, Libai, Daiki Yanagihara and ESA exchange student Juliette Champêtre).

Map Maho Okada - Libai - Daiki Yanajihara - Juliette Champetre

Others recorded movement in space and the “ballet” of people going around obstacles and created an animation – maps are dynamic! On the bottom right of the picture below, what looks like a wool ball represents the space taken by an individual waiting for someone.

2015-10-07 09.13.22-Small

These observations led to ambiance-based architectural parameters (“architectural attractors” for example) that students could use to generate/parameterize new ambiances expressed through study models.

2015-10-08 13.56.24-Small2015-10-08 17.41.41-Small

Engineering 4 Society

Dk Osseo-Asare and I presented the paper entitled: Investigated 3E Materials at Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana at the Raising Awareness for the Societal and Environmental Role of Engineering and (Re)Training Engineers for Participatory Design (Engineering 4 Society) conference that was held in Leuven, Belgium, June 18-19, 2015.

The product life cycles of electrical appliances and electronic devices impact society and the environment, given the hazardous portion present in their materials flow. Scrapping as an industry serves to decommission end-of-life (EOL) equipment, linking materials processing and recovery activities with recycling, but must be controlled against adverse environmental and human health safety factors. This work tracks an on-going effort-the Agbogbloshie Makerspace Platform (AMP)-to use participatory design methods to upgrade capabilities of the scrap, recycling and maker community located at Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana through co-creation of technology. The authors explain AMP’s aim to reconceptualize Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE or e-waste) as Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE or 3E): not as waste, but as inter-manipulable assemblages of 3E-materials. AMP seeks to employ a hands-on Makers and Development approach (M&D) as a collaborative process to drive interclass innovation by co-designing and fabricating a makerspace, or open community workshop and lab, and networking e-waste and scrap recyclers starting at Agbogbloshie with students and recent graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics or STEAM fields. The investigation at Agbogbloshie over a period of 24 months suggests opportunities for utilizing participatory design to leverage waste management and 3E-materials processing across informal sector recycling ecosystems as inputs for popular prototyping, i.e. peer-to-peer digital fabrication and distributed manufacturing.

Capture d'écran 2015-11-28 13.50.27

TV5Monde Maghreb Orient Express

Invited to contribute to the Maghreb Orient Express (MOE) TV show to speak about Masdar City.



Education, Le Havre, Learning City

FEP 2014 B&W Invited to attend the workshop: Education, Le Havre and Learning City organized by François Taddei, Director of the Center of Interdisciplinary Research and Florence Rizzo, co-founder of Syn-Lab, workshop that was held during the Positive Economy Forum of 2014… The group that I contributed to elaborated on third spaces and the urban conditions prone to work creatively together. As an architect, I am especially aware that space, its materiality, colors, light, usage, etc., has an enormous impact on the way we behave… and work! Find the .pdf: Education, Le Havre, Cité Apprenante compiled by Magali Sennane.